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Recognition Page 2011

The GLBUA would like to recognize the following umpires who worked in local league and tournament finals in 2011.
Great job by all!

Andover LL Majors - Bill Hankey, Jeff Mazzone, Bob Parker, Mike Pilla 
Andover Senior League - Paul Pappas, Julio Jimenez, Jack Gilhooly 
Ecumenical Athletic Assoc - Bob Correale 
Lawrence- Cal Ripken- Julio Jimenez, Dave Toto
Merrimac AAA - Dan Tirone 
Merrimac Majors - Bob Runge 
Methuen Juniors - Ray Metzemaekers, Mike Walker, Tom Torrisi, Colin Scanlon 
Methuen Senior A - Ralph Marasa, Colin Scanlon, Bill Noone, Paul Pappas 
Methuen Senior B - Dan Clark, Paul Pappas, Mike Walker, Neal Moore, Dave Leary, Bill Noone 
Methuen Youth Baseball Rookies - Bob Runge, Jason D'Amato, John Scopelites, Steve Scammon, Justin Reddy 
Methuen Youth Baseball Minors - Jeff Mazzone, John Scopelites, Patrick Noone, Amby Mejia 
Methuen Youth Baseball Majors - Dave Bamford, Tom Torrisi, Steve Scammon 
South Lawrence West AAA - Armond Colombo 
South Lawrence West Majors - Dan Tirone, Bill Lasonde 

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